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Bugged blacksmithing quest #7043

Jingen reported

<p>Describe the Issue:<br>I have both quest required for gaining weaponsmithing and axesmithing. I already have weaponsmithing and the quest that gives it. I want to continue axesmithing and will do the quests, as I do not want any other specialization other than it. EDIT: Later I have completed a quest needed for axesmithing.I received a reward in form of plans for dawn's edge. The quest completed as it should, it gave me the plans and some gold. However, I did not receive master axesmith as a reward and cannot learn any of the plans. Now, for some reason, I can accept quests for other specializations of weaponsmithing. I do not want any of them, nor I want to exploit the system. Currently I am left with Dawn's Edge plans in my backpack and no way of learning axesmithing, as the quest is already completed. PLEASE note that I already have the weaponsmithing quest completed.</p>
<p>EDIT 2:</p>
<p>I have managed to resolve the issue. Still, it seemed that I could learn armoursmithing and weaponsmirhing at the same time.<br>How to reproduce:<br>I am not sure how to do it <br>Character the bug occurred on:<br>Jingen</p>

  • Meflor commented 1 week ago
    Turtle Wow Staff

    Once you reach skill level 200 and at least level 40, you can choose whether or not you'd like to become an Armorsmith or a Weaponsmith. When you choose a specialty, however, it cannot be changed unless you completely re-learn Blacksmithing from scratch!
    When you choose one of the quests, the other becomes unavailable
    After completing The Way of the Weaponsmith., you can take your training either further to learn to become either an Axesmith, Hammersmith or Swordsmith!

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Opened 13:37 27/04/2024 Author: Jingen