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Vampirism not showing healing done for melee or spell damage done #5667

hotcoffeeonpants reported

I was using items from the Gilneas City dungeon along with the 1% vampirism wrist enchant for a total of 5% healing per dmg done. No healing is shown in the combat log, character icon, or floating combat text from the character (when enabled). I also downloaded an addon to see if the addon could track healing done and it does not detect the healing done either. I do about 200-300 dmg per 2 seconds so I. Should see 10hp to 15hp show up as healing done but this is not the case.

Also, in a totally unrelated request. Can the shaman spell "spirit link" be altered to do physical damage instead of spell damage? It would allow shamans to use stoneskin totem to reduce damage instead of using healing stream totem to heal the displaced damage. The shaman would then be able to use the water totem for other things like mana spring or poison/disease cleanse.

  • cyaohiri commented 6 months ago Wed, Dec 20, 2023 4:02 PM

    It's not shown in the combat log for performance reasons.

  • hotcoffeeonpants commented 6 months ago Wed, Dec 20, 2023 4:42 PM

    Is there another method to confirm this mechanic is working as intended? Perhaps 1% vampirism enchant to wrist for a shaman with lightning shield and measure the hp on the health bar while in combat? Would that be a viable test method?

  • cyaohiri commented 6 months ago Wed, Dec 20, 2023 4:43 PM

    Yes, checking your HP change is reliable.

  • twowTurtReynolds commented 6 months ago Wed, Dec 20, 2023 7:52 PM

    Indeed, the default UI can show you your exact HP values.

    Vampirism works fine.

  • hotcoffeeonpants commented 6 months ago Fri, Dec 22, 2023 1:28 AM

    I did further tested and the math isn't adding up...

    No matter the dmg done regardless of crit or regular white hit it only shows up as 5 hp.

    For a hit of 71 dmg = 5hp
    For a crit of 161 dmg = 5hp...

    Further investigation is requested.

  • twowTurtReynolds commented 6 months ago Sun, Dec 24, 2023 9:19 PM

    Indeed. Tracking under the original report for this: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/4497

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Opened 15:55 20/12/2023 Author: hotcoffeeonpants