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Pet Dragonslayer buff #6325

Bibbit169 reported

**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**

**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**

1.When going from place to place my pet loses it dragonslayer buff.
2.Also when it is dismissed and called upon again.

**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**

NPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=
Item: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=
Quest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=
Spell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=
Object: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=

**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**

  • twowTurtReynolds commented 4 months ago Thu, Feb 22, 2024 4:29 AM

    Can't replicate.

  • Sinralos commented 1 month ago Tue, May 28, 2024 7:53 PM

    Issue still persists.

    Standing in Stormwind during when the Dragonslayer Buff goes out. My character will get the buff but my pet will not. I tried dismissing/calling the pet. I've deleted my WDB folder multiple times. Tried restarting the game before the buff goes out. Tried standing in different parts of the city. Nothing seems to help. My pet has missed 6+ buff so far.

    This didn't happen initially. My pet had no problem getting buffs before. It just stopped getting them all of a sudden.
    Could it have something to do with Hunter Pets and Flight Paths or Stables maybe?

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Opened 21:36 21/02/2024 Author: Bibbit169